Friday, November 11, 2011

I begin.. well actually about 7 days ago

Hi everyone,

No, my real name is not YoYo, and I am not building a Akyak. My name is Jerry and I am building a kayak. The name of this blog will probably be explained at a later date, for those of you who don't know me well.

But first, a picture, since this will be a very visual blog. Here is the lake where I do most of my kayaking. It is called Lac Manitou and it is in the province of Quebec. The person in the photo is my wife, launching her kayak in late September this year.

This is going to be my first attempt to build a kayak. In fact, it is my first attempt to build anything this large. Which makes me a bit nervous. While I have done a little woodworking, most of my projects so far have been things like this:

The kayak I am going to try and build looks like this

Or more like this when it is finished

So, as you can see, I have quite the job ahead of me. I'm nervous but also excited. I have a feeling this project will keep me busy all winter!

By the way, the boat I am building comes from plans I got from a company called Kudzucraft and the type of boat I am building is called a Long Shot (which I hope does not refer to my chances of finishing this project successfully!). The photos above come from their web site, and I haven't asked Jeff's (the owner's) permission, but I am pretty sure he won't mind me using them.

So stayed tuned. Lots of boat building action to come.

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